Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Because all the cool kids are doing it

I was never one to follow a trend. I didn't drink until college, I was the last of my friends to get a cell phone, I still write everything on a paper calendar and I have no idea how to start up a blog! Always a loner or a leader, never a follower I am sacrificing my pride and giving into the popular demand to get this version of communication, marketing or (I 'd like to think) advice column out.

I am starting a new path in my life. Though photography isn't new to me as a hobby, I am surrounded by a family of photo hobbyists (is that a word, spellcheck says it is) it's new to me as a career.

My father was always a photography enthusiast.  I have a memory when he bought his first camera with a self timer and we set it up on a tripod and took some family shots. He was so excited that he didn't have to be behind the camera to get the shot.
He and my mom used to take trips to Hawaii every year and I remember my mom saying she was going to have to buy separate photo albums for all my dad's flower shots!
At 14 my mom died and when my dad remarried he married an artist (turned teacher). My stepmom (Barbara) loved to take photos and even built a darkroom (remember those) in our basement.
Then there is my sister. She took a couple classes in college and has a natural eye for things. I remember backpacking around Europe and copying all the things she took pictures of!

So when a friend started her photography business and was successful I thought, "hey, I wonder if I could do that".  So I decided to take the leap. Naturally I did not think there would be a big difference between photography as a hobby and photography as a career. I always have friends telling me how wonderful my photos are so really, this couldn't be THAT hard.......... boy was I wrong. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO wrong!

Thankfully I have the support of said photographer friend (Chelse from EIEIO and Glow photography, she is amazing and if you live in the Rochester area you should book her now) and most importantly (to me) my dad so I did not give up when I BOMBED my first newborn or event shoot.

I am not giving up my daytime job and I am not charging for my photos.......YET. For now I'm free and practicing and HOPEFULLY will turn this hobby into a paid job.

SO that said, I have jumped on the blog trend and I welcome you to follow me as I try and start a new career in my life. I also have a fan page on facebook (because all cool kids have fan pages).

Here goes nothing!

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a writer. You will see a million grammatical errors and I will drive my english major friends BONKERS!


  1. Yay yay! Love this, can't wait to follow you!

  2. Hey - cool beans! I'm starting out too, but not aiming for professional, yet. Did my first wedding ~10 days ago. Wow - pressure... p.s. Came across this link today - might be useful: http://www.thephotoargus.com/resources/helpful-photography-cheat-sheets-to-make-you-life-easier/

