Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The knowledge of a mom!

These past 2 days flew by but I jam packed them with lots of friends and family! Sunday night I got to sit and pow wow with my one of my favorite friends (and favorite photographer) Chelse . She let me borrow some of her daughter's dresses for my goddaughter's 5th birthday photos. The visit was far too short and I need to try and reserve more time. I am amazed at how in tune to kids Chelse is and she definitely knows how to photograph them. I used her hints on my goddaughters shoot and I am amazed at how well they work!

Monday I got to spend the day with my goddaughter. We went to the zoo with my friend Tracy and her 2.5 kids (the 3rd is due this July).  In the morning when I picked up my little birthday girl I was putting together some clothes in case the weather turned bad. As I was leaving her father (mom was at the doctor with with my godson) asked if there was anything else I needed. I thought, nope. Got extra clothes so I am covered and I left. All moms are shaking their head right now.  Not 20 minutes into our zoo tour all 3 kids were asking for SNACKS!! DOH. Luckily, Tracy, knowing I have no children packed extra for my goddaughter, just in case. I laugh, not only at me because I guess I should have known (last time I was home their mom sent me with snacks) but more that her father didn't think to send some snacks along (or to remind me). I bet a LOT of moms are laughing as they relate to fathers not being as prepared!! He did remember to give me some tissues to bring along though.  Below are some from the zoo:

Monday night I was off to dinner with my best (high school) friend Elizabeth. She is due with her first baby in 2 weeks. It's amazing in the 8 plus months how much she's grown in knowledge. I am amazed at how maternal she's become and I can't help wonder if she'll remember to remind me when I come steal her son for the day to pack snacks :).

Tuesday I was able to shoot for another friend in the morning. Her daughter and her niece. Both girls (mom's and even the dog) were all so beautiful. I could have shot photos of them all day.

Then lunch with my friend and artist extraordinaire Andy (who happens to be working on my brilliant logo)!

an THEN.....finally back home. Phew!

So if your still reading, I noticed these past shoots that direct sun is my enemy. I really need to work on shooting in that kind of light. I keep overexposing parts of my photo. Oh and also, something I am STILL struggling with, remembering to keep an extra eye on my histogram in my camera so I get the right settings for the particular picture. I get so wrapped up in taking the photo I forget to do that and end of missing shots because they are blurry or over/under exposed. Here are a few from Monday and Tuesday. Some are repeats from FB because I just loved them and wanted both FB people and non FB people to see them!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ode to my Dad

So as I said previously, my dad used to take so many pictures of flowers my mom said she was going to have to get his own photo book dedicated to his pictures. It seems I have inherited this trait, I seem to go nutty over flower shots too. Who cannot be inspired (ESPECIALLY after a long winter) Here are a couple from my walk today with Murphy

I missed when they FIRST bloomed but there were still some out there. Lilac season is starting, they are my favorite (as my mom) spring flower. We used to have this big lilac tree in our backyard growing up. The smell brings back such wonderful memories. 

Saturday's shoot went well. The ONE thing that would have made it significantly better would have been an extra set of batteries for my speedlite. They wanted to stay inside because it was a bit cold for the kids so my speedlite was a necessity. 15 minutes into the shoot, it died. I ruined a lot of pictures trying for natural light (obviously my weak area) then towards the end just opted for my on camera flash. I am sure some will still like those pictures but I won't. :( Live and learn!  Below is my second favorite shot. I don't care for the lighting but the picture (and my model) are too cute! My favorite shot is on my fan page.


I will be posting more pictures on my blog. My dad doesn't understand facebook (or blogs) but I'll have an easier time sending the link to this then setting up (and teaching) facebook!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ima be a photographer!

No, that was not a grammatical error! If anyone is familiar with the Black Eyed Peas (pop group) they have a song out called "Ima Be".

I was told all my life growing up that I could be whatever I put my mind to so throughout the years my mind has been thinking many things......teacher, secret agent, back up dancer for Brittany Spears and now photographer. I have set my mind on photographer (32 years later).

I was asked the other night at an event as I was pulling out all my equipment "oh, you're a photographer?" I started to explain "well, no but I am practicing in hopes that one day......" and then just said yes. Felt strange but I confirmed it with a "yes, I am a photographer". I've read that if you truly want to be something, say it out loud. So....... I am a photographer.

That phrase will be my mantra for the rest of my life...I like it.

Tomorrow is my first real "stranger" session. I didn't know the people at the events I did but events are different from personal sessions (in my opinion). Tomorrow I am photographing 2 babies (both under a year) and I do not know the parents, they aren't friends of friends, complete strangers. This is a big test for me because they will be honest in the feedback. If they pass my name on, they liked my work. If they take the free photos and I never hear from them or friends of theirs again.....well then I need to keep practicing and practicing because I AM A PHOTOGRAPHER and THIS is what I have put my mind to. No giving up now!

Time to test what I have learned thus far!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Because all the cool kids are doing it

I was never one to follow a trend. I didn't drink until college, I was the last of my friends to get a cell phone, I still write everything on a paper calendar and I have no idea how to start up a blog! Always a loner or a leader, never a follower I am sacrificing my pride and giving into the popular demand to get this version of communication, marketing or (I 'd like to think) advice column out.

I am starting a new path in my life. Though photography isn't new to me as a hobby, I am surrounded by a family of photo hobbyists (is that a word, spellcheck says it is) it's new to me as a career.

My father was always a photography enthusiast.  I have a memory when he bought his first camera with a self timer and we set it up on a tripod and took some family shots. He was so excited that he didn't have to be behind the camera to get the shot.
He and my mom used to take trips to Hawaii every year and I remember my mom saying she was going to have to buy separate photo albums for all my dad's flower shots!
At 14 my mom died and when my dad remarried he married an artist (turned teacher). My stepmom (Barbara) loved to take photos and even built a darkroom (remember those) in our basement.
Then there is my sister. She took a couple classes in college and has a natural eye for things. I remember backpacking around Europe and copying all the things she took pictures of!

So when a friend started her photography business and was successful I thought, "hey, I wonder if I could do that".  So I decided to take the leap. Naturally I did not think there would be a big difference between photography as a hobby and photography as a career. I always have friends telling me how wonderful my photos are so really, this couldn't be THAT hard.......... boy was I wrong. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO wrong!

Thankfully I have the support of said photographer friend (Chelse from EIEIO and Glow photography, she is amazing and if you live in the Rochester area you should book her now) and most importantly (to me) my dad so I did not give up when I BOMBED my first newborn or event shoot.

I am not giving up my daytime job and I am not charging for my photos.......YET. For now I'm free and practicing and HOPEFULLY will turn this hobby into a paid job.

SO that said, I have jumped on the blog trend and I welcome you to follow me as I try and start a new career in my life. I also have a fan page on facebook (because all cool kids have fan pages).

Here goes nothing!

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a writer. You will see a million grammatical errors and I will drive my english major friends BONKERS!