Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Here's to the infinite possible ways to love you

Let me tell you a little about Oliver's new BFF...She doesn't quite know they are going to be buddies but I'm confident he will win her over! She is the sweetest, smiley most joyful little beauty I've ever had the honor to photograph! 

Ava has been diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy type-1 (SMA-1). It prevents Ava's muscles from developing properly. 

Recently a new drug was approved by the FDA and Ava has started receiving a new lifesaving treatment. Because of how new the drug is there is no telling what long term greatness Ava is in for but fingers crossed she will be running around playing soccer with Oliver in no time! 

Laura, Ava's Mom, is incredible. I know, in life, you never know how strong you are until you have no choice and Laura is one of the strongest women I've ever met. She is the true definition of a mama bear, doing everything she can to give her daughter the best life she deserves. Her love for Ava is tremendous and their connection is obvious. 

I loved this session and I can't wait to see this bundle of sweetness again!

If you want to follow Ava's story click here


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Helping Kids Cope

Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes no matter how hard you try a series of events will shake you and leave you feeling helpless. This most certainly happened to me this past month. As an adult, I know strategies to cope with these events and if my strategies don't work I know where to turn to get the help I need. My son, he doesn't have those strategies, and while I am an expert with my own, I would really want someone with experience and knowledge in this area to help him work though.

One of the women, nominated for my Momma and me contest, was Randi Jaffe and when I heard her story, I had to meet her. Randi has a passion for working with children and a gift of being able to soothe and help kids cope with anything from extreme situations to curve balls life may throw at them.  She started her own business called Kid Cope Specialists and now uses her 10+ years of experience to help everyone in a child's life navigate through any challenging situation.

Her passion for what she does is extremely inspiring and I can see why kids would connect immediately with her.

If you want more information on what exactly Randi does check out her website.

Thank you so much Randi for all you do for our littles! I feel so grateful to have been able to witness and capture the connection you have with your free spirited little!